Hiya! my names Scarlet! Im soooo happy to be here! ;) I rlly like anime and manga, I also luv cats!!! I own 4 of them!!! I would have a pet fox if I could XD! Cuz I also luv foxes!!!
 lolz im 13, I already said wut I like/luv. middle school. idk why anyone needs to know this... my friend told me to put it though so that why im doing this... but something I wanted to put is that I would rlly like some ppl to join my circle who like/luv anime/manga. especially the ones I like! I like ohshc, (as I said before) fairy tail, fruits basket, and I kinda like soul eater! oh, my friend also said to say wut I look like, I still don't know why... but ok, im not tall but im not short... redish hair, at school im kinda the
loli-girl, (lolz, idk why I put that) I rlly wish I was part fox. (and yes, I know im getting off subject) kk, thx for reading this far! I might update soon! 
FoxFire101 AKA Scarlet


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  • Stamp-Beiträge: 19
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Meine Wettbewerbsbeiträge

candy time!
lol pets
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Sandyqueen101 sagt:

Vor 3107 Tage
Happy Halloween Friend!!!
May you have a spooky but safe Halloween ;-)
                         / (
                       /◕◕\  BOOoo  
                    ( '\.O./__ 
                     \/     ___) 
                   /         \         
    (ړײ)hihihi  /           \_ 
                  \_.-.__.-..- )~~~O

japanfan12345 sagt:

Vor 3145 Tage
Thank you for the circle request. If you like, you can join my anime group:


FoxFire101 sagt:

Vor 3148 Tage

Sandyqueen101 sagt:

Vor 3148 Tage
Ur invited to my group called "The Any Group"


Sandyqueen101 sagt:

Vor 3148 Tage
Thank you for ur comments!!!

FoxFire101 sagt:

Vor 3148 Tage
tysm Sandyqueen101!!!! I  will try to do that!

Sandyqueen101 sagt:

Vor 3148 Tage
Hey FoxFire101 let me tel u how 2 change ur account pic.

once u've logged in 2 blingee by the toolbar in the side there r options. 1 of them is "change default picture"

click on it and change ur pic

Hope this was helpful;-)
If ur still not sure feel free to ask;-)

Sandyqueen101 sagt:

Vor 3148 Tage
Hey FoxFire101 you are most welcome to join my group!!! I,ve also sent you a friend request.


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