BeccaBombshell.- MY BLINGEES APPEAR ON GOOGLE IMAGES!! wow thats totally epic xD

Hiii!! I am Becca :D just a typical teenage girl who is in love with bows and freaky 80s style :D I am 16! i love my family and friends and i love my boyfriend very much <3
I enjoy singing, i cant help but sing songs that I like anywhere and everywhere! I am a student at deans chs, and im not quite genious, but heyy :L i'll get by! I looooove all types of music except songs like riverside that get on my nerves! I my ipod and will never stop adding songs to it :L i especially love fleetwood mac, vampire weekend and arcade fire! :D
I AM A MAJOR GLEEK!! if anyone loves glee just add me....i could talk about it for HOURS!! Im also a good indie fan and like bruno mars! feel free to add me....i will talk to ANYONE :P seeyaa! :P

[x] Everyone remember to always be happy with who you are, and every knockdown you may get, you will always get back up stronger than you were before. Love yourself and dont compare yourself to anyone else, because you are you, and you are amazing. Nobody is perfect, and one day you are gonna find someone who will love you for everything you dont like about yourself, and for the good things, too :) Dont let anyone change you or tell you who your meant to be, just be yourself because thats the best person you can be, always :) [x]

:D :D :D :D :D

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Bruunnoo Maaarrrs <3
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zdaehsm disse:

4312 dias atrás
hey again...
(1 year later :DDD)

zdaehsm disse:

4675 dias atrás
fine thankks xD youu??

gamecube51 disse:

4825 dias atrás
I would ask him why did you say no when you asked him out. And don't let him say something dumb like It's me not you. And please ask him where its quiet, away from his friends. If he won't tell you then all you can do is get over him. It will hurt but at some point it will lessen. Good Luck!   Kevin

zdaehsm disse:

5093 dias atrás
thats good....
my average mark of exams was 19,7/20
of   3rd term: 19,5/20
and of all the terms and exams: 19,5/20

zdaehsm disse:

5095 dias atrás
thatz cool...we tomorrow get marks of 3rd term and exams!

zdaehsm disse:

5097 dias atrás
finished school 2 days ago n waiting for results..
i dont g through on blingee usually now ..

zdaehsm disse:

5100 dias atrás
whats up?

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