Our Lady Herbaceous

Our Lady Herbaceous

The Day of the Assumption on the 15th August is the most celebrated holiday related to the Mother of God and it has been worshipped since the 6th century. Then, summer blooms, crops and fruit ripen, all herbs and flowers blossom. Blessing herb and flower bouquets on that day, Feast of Our Lady Herbaceous has been practiced in Europe as early as in the 10th century. 

This is a great feast in Poland. Everybody wears summer flowers, cereals and healing herbs to the church and receive blessings.

Please make a picture with Our Lady on the occasion of the Assumption Day - with flowers, cereals and herbs.
I wish you a lot of fun ♥

  • Status: Sieger bekannt gegeben!
  • Enddatum: August 21, 2017
  • Wer darf abstimmen?: Alle Benutzer
  • Qualifizierte Blingees: Nur neue Blingees
  • Maximale Beiträge pro Benutzer: 3
  • Anzahl der Beiträge: 35
  • Erstellt von:: kruczek1

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Our Lady Herbaceous
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