Kenny x Kelly (Kenlly!)

Kenny x Kelly (Kenlly!)
Diese Stamp wurde 1 verwendet.
Kelly: ...Hi Kenny, can i um.. sit with you? *shy* Kenny: *u* Sure bab! *mumbles in parka blushing* Kelly: o//o thanks. *sits near him shyly* ... Vivi: *nudges Kyle's shoulder* look, Kenny & Kelly are sitting together Kyle: So? Vivi: I heard a rumor that Kelly might like Kenny! Kyle: Yeah, a rumor, meaning probably not. Besides, Kelly has no friends & nobody to sit near. Vivi: Whatever you say Broflovski, but i think they'd make a pretty good damn couple *smiling sightly* Kyle: I dont give rat's ass about Kenny or his relationships v.v' Kelly: are you? Kenny: Fine now that im near you Kelly: *blushes more* >///< Kenny: *chuckles* You're cute Kelly. Kelly:, thanks i guess >//<..Kenny: (: Kelly: ..hold on asec *turns away & picks nose* Kenny: o_o Vivi & Kyle: AW SICK! (i loled in real typing that) ;3 Kelly: *sees him watching* Oh! *stops blushing hard* I-- Kenny: No its cool i pick my nose all the time Kelly: Oh ok! im glad i dont feel alone v//v Kenny: :) Vivi: ...THAT STILL NASTY! Kyle: I KNOW! EW! EW! EW!
die hochgeladen wurde von: Soulangel11

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