Hi, waz up so I am going to tell you all bout me!!! I got a new boo his name is Brendan well we've went out before. He juss asked me oout last night Im sooo Happy>3. Anyways I have 2 little bros Eli = 2,and Briceton=9, and 2 big bros there names are  Austin=14, and Steven =13 !! I LUV U SOO MUCH AUSTIN And I MISS U!!!! and I have  7 sisters, Bayli=13, Kalyn=19, and Misty=20 ,Katherine=13,Kelcee = 13,Sierra =13 My BFFs r Steven C,Bayli A,Sierra S,Brendan L/my ex,Brandon R,Brandon W,Ladelle,,Kelsee W,Kelcee R,Megan N,Schaivon N.!!!! My mom,ond my sister Kalyn cuz they are always there 4 me, and by the way congrats sissy ur goin tu IU  , and i have the best dad in the world his name is Chris I LUV U SOOOO MUCH DADDY!!!!!!! I am DREADING goin to my aunts funeral she died THURSDAY they were in a bad wreck and she was put in a nursing home in Middletown and my family is sooo shocked that shes gone it feels  like a dream still!!! I just cant believe it SHES REALLY GONE.. I feel so bad 4 my lil bro Eli cuz he hardly got 2 know her and he wont know her when he gets older he would really luv her he doesnt even understand whats going on !!! I will tell him bout her when he gets older and show him pics!!  On to another subject my boyfriend Tanner Wilson well ex boyfriend taht is we just broke up and i just figured out our whole relationship was a lie he didn't even trust me but i didn't do anything to make him not trust me and now i know i should've listned to my friends in the first place!!!! Well I am bout to go to the funeral so I got 2 go LUV U!!! AND BY THE IMMM SINGLE WHAT WHAT  !!!!!!!!


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My little bro ELI
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Devin-Mendez sagt:

Vor 5792 Tage
U R SExy T00

nick52 sagt:

Vor 5793 Tage
nice blingees!!!!!!

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