DoNt LeAvE tHe OnE yOu LoVe FoR tHe OnE yOu LiKe... BeCuZ tHe OnE yOu LiKe WiLL LeAvE yOu FoR tHe OnE tHeY LoVe

**~Please do not judge me for you do not know me~**

As I've grown up, I've learned that even the people that aren't supposed to ever let me down probably will. I've learned you will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so I always remember how it felt when mine was broken. You'll fight with your best friends, maybe even lose a few. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast while your scrambling to collect yourself to prepare for the future. you'll cry over teh stupidest things sometimes. So I realized that I have to take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like I've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. So with all that being said I have basically learned to rememeber to laugh when nothing's funny.. Dance when there's no music.. Sing like Ive never sung before- even thought I suck.. Love till it hurts.. Cry when I'm sad.. Smile when I'm happy.. Be who you wanna be.. And always live each day like its my last. I need to make sure that everyone I love knows I do. I need to make a positive impression everyday on myself rather than a negative. It is hard to do this but if I always remember this I can turn my frown into a smile or my tears into diamonds. Because If tomorrow never comes how will the ones that I love know I do? Or how will I make sure my older brothers will be yelled at once more for their stupidness? How would my parents know that I am trying to look like a glowing light in their eyes? So now i know i must live everyday to its fullest because you never know what may happen to yourself or to the ones you love the most...


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