Living on the Run

Living on the Run
So here's the story................. Danielle K. is on the run from the police. She is supposed to owe 22 years jail time for burning down her ex-husbands house because he called her a slacker. Anyways, she disguised herself and went to Grant's Farm and stole a sweet, innocent little goat named Jerry. Witness' say that his new code-name is "KILLER" but kill for short. A little more information is Danielle K's new fake name is "Bob". BACKGROUND HISTORY: AGE.......... ================== 12- She was in a TV show called "FAB" 14- She was in a famous music group called "Fanta" -In Fanta there was a japanese rapper who's name is confedintial , but she is now Danielle's crime manager. SPOTTING DANIELLE ================ She might be............ driving* a bug or a spider with* killer,japanese rapper or noone wearing* a huge paire of sunglasses,or a funky hat. scene* a big fire in the background or her laying on a couch sleeping. Q&A ============== Q: What is that wine bottle in the background? A: Just litter from the visitors --------------- Q: Do you know any exact locations she might be? A: well........... maybe: Florida,Hawaii or she always had a dream to visit the moon.......... look through your telescope! ----------------------- Q:If you find her can I have her phone number and prison address? A: no comment ---------------------- IF YOU HAVE SEEN OR HEARD OF DANIELLE K., PLEASE CALL 1-800-000-0000. THANK YOU!
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