This challenge is in honor of black cats.

This challenge is in honor of black cats.
This challenge is in honor of black cats. For those who didn't know, black cats aren't allowed to be adopted from the majority of animal shelters during the month of October. This is because of people out there who adopt them just to either keep until Halloween for vanity purposes only to be abandoned afterwards, or in more cruel cases, "sacrifice" their cats in rituals. Please help spead awareness on this extraordinarily tragic form of animal abuse. For more information on this, go here:
erstellt von: lousei

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Verwendete Blingee-Stamps

11 Grafiken wurden verwendet, um dieses "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"-Bild zu erstellen.
Gatto nero
Simple White Pattern
Background animated red
Frame overlay gold yellow
star Louise♥♥
TEXT louise♥♥
heart louise♥♥
no abuse of whatever kind
heart louise♥♥
lousei♥♥  private



skyessence sagt:

Vor 4607 Tage
Happy Sunday!

Elarn03 sagt:

Vor 4609 Tage
It's COLOUR not COLOR. I thought I would help you there. 


drobles394394 sagt:

Vor 4610 Tage

joyful226 sagt:

Vor 4612 Tage
I love black cats the ones I have owned in the past have always been sweet and loving cats. One was only about a year old when he died we don't know what happened to him he came into the house could see he wasn't feeling good called the vet to take him and by the time I was off the phone he had passed away. I cried I loved that cat he was wonderful. A big cat lanky kitty looked so strong and great mouser too and so full of love! 

JoanAE44 sagt:

Vor 4612 Tage
A Wonderful, Beautiful creation!! 5*****

bbateman15 sagt:

Vor 4612 Tage

Wonderful work, my friend.
Five stars for you


hermozitah sagt:

Vor 4612 Tage
awwwww.... Muy boNito0
 5* (♥_♥)

ilsabailey sagt:

Vor 4613 Tage
Know I didn't know about the restriction in October interesting and I am glade that they do that because I do know about the cruel things people do...It's so very heart sadding. AWESOME awareness creation  

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