Can You Hear Me? - Forever Yours - Elarn03

Can You Hear Me? - Forever Yours - Elarn03
Can you hear me? I thinking that I would be on the side telling the violinist something about the musican she is playing. She keeps on playing. She looked at me. I said "Can you hear me?" She turned around and said, "No. I can't hear you. I can lip read. I am deaf. The only thing I can hear is the voice in my head." If you're wondering why I have "forever yours" up on the blingee, it's because the song the violinist was playing is Forever Yours. She wrote it before you grandfather died. Since the loss, her hearing has gone. The only thing she can hear is the grandfather's voice in her head. - Elarn03.
criado por: Elarn03

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Carimbos de Blingee usados

17 ilustrações foram usadas para criar esta imagem de "do you hear me".
woman guitar moon sky water
? - Elarn03
U - Elarn03
Y - Elarn03
O - Elarn03
R - Elarn03
H - Elarn03
E - Elarn03
A eyes - Elarn03
C - Elarn03
N - Elarn03
M - Elarn03
flowers blue background transparent
Forever Yours (black transparent quote) [nermai]
Forever Yours (white and black transparent quote) [nermai]
White Glitter

Imagens relacionadas ao Blingee

To My Teacher, Lee - Elarn03



Karin-sama disse:

4844 dias atrás
cool XD

coracora2008 disse:

4844 dias atrás

sofiadewilde disse:

4844 dias atrás
*___000000___000000___ *IMPECABLE!
*___000000000000000___* HERMOSO,
*________00000________*5 * !

gartenomi disse:

4845 dias atrás
*(((.Bin gekommen,
(ړײ).☆.um meinen Kommentar vorbei zu 
.(▒)..bringen und Dir einen schönen
..╝╚.Abend zu wünschen.=Bussi= Gabi

Verita14 disse:

4845 dias atrás

SunMoonStars disse:

4845 dias atrás
beautiful ♥♥♥♥♥5♥♥♥♥♥
  *    *

lousei disse:

4845 dias atrás
•°*˜”*°• •°*”˜•°*5***** 
...•°*˜”*°• •°*”˜•°*˜”*°• 
♥ great ♥

26643 disse:

4845 dias atrás
sehr schön

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