enter my new CONTEST! <3

enter my new CONTEST! <3
i came across a great idea today, i'm going to start making a new contest every week. it will be totally different every week. i will give you the topic and one specific stamp that you HAVE TO use (don't worry, it's not always going to be about babies, it could be celebrities and other things). other than that, you can decorate it however you want. I will post the deadline every week. every thursday i will pick 5 winners (or 10, depending on how many enter)! It's all for fun. if you want to enter, just post a comment on the "contest blingee" for that week with a link to your blingee! thank you! i post a blingee every week that says "CONTEST" with the deadline and the mandatory stamp. PLEASE ENTER! THANK YOU!! :)
erstellt von: mileyrayc...

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Verwendete Blingee-Stamps

4 Grafiken wurden verwendet, um dieses "my new room 3"-Bild zu erstellen.
Simple Yellow Pattern
Baby Feet
Background   tlo animated

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