full moon girl-read note

full moon girl-read note
Where did you come from pale freckled girl with soft skin and shining mischeveous eyes? What funny power it is that decided to cross our paths. What could you find in this quiet man and his thin bony frame? This man whose life has been like an airport where people come and go connect to their next flight, but he has learned never to be the final destination. In time goodbyes outnumber hellos and all good things will pass. There is possibility in your kiss desire in the sweat forming upon your breasts, a special place beyond the physical world of caresses and deep thrusts, a place where every once in awhile time slows, the walls of our egos drop we are left vulnerable and exposed and then our souls touch. Could you have known when you said you felt wanted and needed it was the very same precious gift you gave to him? But what of tomorrow? When the leaves are dropping from the trees and winter reminds us how fleeting and fragile all feelings are. He knows this too well and you have a life already your own. Could you make a room in your heart for one other? A comfortable room filled with laughter and music and paintings and poems and candles that burn with a passion not to go out reminding us of one another when we must be apart. I have seen time steal away most things, and beautiful feelings vanish into thin air until all that is left is the echo of goodbye. The vagabond heart knows the risk and can live content in the gifts of today. But he has heard of a rare place worth all the risk of eventual loss, a place where all wandering can stop, a place where our hearts and minds and souls can orbit each other like great stars burning feeding us within one another's warm never-ending light so strong not even the world can stop.
gemaakt door: SAI909

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Gebruikte blingee-stamps

6 graphics were used to create this "full moon" picture.
Simple Black Pattern
Frame effect / sw
☺©Gothic Anime®☺

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creamycream209 zegt:

5338 dagen geleden
wat a beautiful full moon blingee

XAnime-AngelX zegt:

5340 dagen geleden
so coool

konan87 zegt:

5342 dagen geleden

Sakura___Haruno zegt:

5346 dagen geleden
coooooooooooooooooooool wow ^-^ 5***** ^-^ really cool ^-^

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