

cherrysherrygk zegt:

4756 dagen geleden
It's because right now i'm doing lightwork with the angels right now & my sister has been performing reiki on me lately. Nice to know someone to talk to with the same interests and simular paths spiritually. It's so exciting having you as a friend...we need to talk more Sharon.

cherrysherrygk zegt:

4756 dagen geleden
Sharon you don't sound odd at all...Yes i'm an empath & lightworker & somewhat phychic as well. My name is Sherry i'm also a Scorpio What sign are you and are you an empath as well my friend?

poetry101 zegt:

4761 dagen geleden
If you like making blingees of one of these female pop stars (christina aguilera, ke$ha, katy perry, or avril) come join this new group. YOu will choose a star and see who is on top.

phinette77 zegt:

4900 dagen geleden
   Le  père Noël m'a demandé ce que je voulais comme cadeau pour les fêtes,

alors je n' ai pas hésité, je lui ai dit que le seul cadeau qui me ferait plaisir c'est qu'il prenne soin de la personne qui lit ce message.

Fais suivre à toutes les personnes qui comptent pour toi, et aussi à moi si j'en fais partie.

staples101 zegt:

4914 dagen geleden
This message is for blingee weekly challange group. 

Miley2905 won the previous challange of Selena Gomez. She said "I want the next challenge is that of making a milley Blingee." So the next challange is to make a miley cyrus blingee. The challange will run until Friday December 10th at 8:00pm eastern standard time. Good luck to all!!
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In het middelpunt van de belangstelling

Valentinstag am 14.02.2023

gemaakt door: wilfried1947

Plaats uw Blingee hier!