
Haha Hi, My name is Alicia. Nicknamed Fizzy!
I am on Facebook, but if I dont know u, Im not gonna add u.... I love Blingee and May I say I have seen some realllly Great ones!
I love entering competions and if you like mi Blingees, pleasssse vote 4 Me!!


  • Male im Rampenlicht: 0
  • Abzeichen: 35
  • Goldene Blingees: 1
  • Silberne Blingees: 6
  • Stamp-Beiträge: 479
  • Postkarten: 0

Meine Wettbewerbsbeiträge

Emo 2
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oddnesss sagt:

Vor 5084 days
And you are the only exception (::

oddnesss sagt:

Vor 5429 days
Hey Isha! Get on Blingee more often and video chat wit me =]

oddnesss sagt:

Vor 5454 days
Hey, Isha. How's come you never get on blingee anymore?

-Odd =]

oddnesss sagt:

Vor 5604 days
You so need to go to this. I bet you anything this is a fake:


oddnesss sagt:

Vor 5614 days
Alicia, see you to morrow at school. Darn, school. =( Well, see you anyway.

oddnesss sagt:

Vor 5618 days
Hey, Fizzy. Just wondering, can you come over and sled today or something? My mom says that Dawes A. is private property, and won't allow sledders =(

oddnesss sagt:

Vor 5666 days
Hey Fizzy, it's me Odd. You've been sick for 4 days now, and just wondering when you'll be back, everyone misses you!

Odd :)

oddnesss sagt:

Vor 5672 days
Hi Fizzy. What's up? I m bored, comment me back.

Ur bored friend,
Odd (&Cheep Cheep, the mewest edition)

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