
Most call me Sam but I prefer [[samantha/sammy]]. I don't have much to say about myself but here is a little something about me....I am a 19 year old female. I love my life as of right now. I live in McHenry with a wonderful man. He is amazing....we had our rough times..but that is my fault. In the end we are doing pretty well. I love him so much. = ] I love both my parents...i talk to one more than the other but love them both equally. All three of my sisters, [[Alisia, Danielle and Nicole]] are my rocks. They are always there for me and although they may not support every decision I make, they love me no matter what. Thank you girls for always being there for me. = ]. I also have two brothers and another baby sister. they are amazing and i love them just as much. I plan on becoming an early childhood education teacher in the near future and I am excited to get that going as soon as possible. I live my life for me and no one else..I don't care what people think of me...if you like me, great, if you hate me with every ounch of your blood, great. I am generally a kind person, too kind I think, but no matter what there will always be someone out there who hates you. = ] 




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