P.U.S.H (Purpose Driven Life)

P.U.S.H (Purpose Driven Life)
Pray until something happens.... GOd designed EACH OF US so there would be no duplication in the world. No one has the exact same mix of factors that make you unique. That means no one else on earth will ever be able to play the role God planned for you....God did not need to create you, but He chose to create you for His own enjoyment. You exist for His benefit, His glory, His purpose, and His delight....It is only in God that we DISCOVER our origin, our destiny, our meaning our purpose, our significance and our destiny....God wants to use you to make a difference in the world. He wants to work through you. What matters is not the duration of your life, but the donation of it. Not how long you lived, but how you lived..... THIS AMAZES ME: GOd was thinking of you even before He made the world. We are the focus of His love and the most valuable of all His creation<3 God is pleased when we do small things for Him of loving obedience (this could be not throwing trash on the ground or respecting an elder or even your crappy boss) They may be unnoticed by others, but God notices them and considers them acts of worship. WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE GOD HAS FORGOTTEN YOU AND NO ONE ELSE....REMEMBER THIS: God gave you unique spiritual gifts, a unique heart, unique abilities, a unique personality, and a lifetime of uniques experiences (LOL, Boy do I know!) so you would make your own unique difference in the world. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS HAVE FAITH AND TALK TO GOD. OPEN UP YOUR HEART AND GOD WILL LISTEN TO YOU, EVEN WHEN YOU THINK YOU DONT DESERVE HIS ATTENTION....JUST PRAY AND IF YOU FORGOT HOW TO PRAY....JUST TALK TO GOD LIKE YOU WOULD YOUR BEST FRIEND
erstellt von: aliceiris711

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CreativeScraps By Design Jewel Cross....Prothetess
Cross silber AT



mzselinakyle sagt:

Vor 5268 days
* Gold * ..I love how you speak out about God Iris.. please keep going..............

mzselinakyle sagt:

Vor 5391 days
THIS is sooooooo much more than Precious!!

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