[Created 2/5/09] Henry (whose name means "home ruler") was a seventh generation stable boy whose lineage was rumored to be of royal descent.  Subservient to King Fearghas of Scotland, he benefited from the simple generosities of the nobility and other Scots who grew up in poverty considered his life to be luxurious.  The most generous among the nobility was the King's daughter, Loriah (whose name means "peaceful moon").  Six years older than Henry, she adored him the minute he was born, literally, in the stables.  --------  Loriah's special gift was music and story telling and she indulged young Henry on a regular basis.  For every day after her music lessons, Loriah would dash to the livery to play with Henry, teaching him to play the tympanum (Celtic harp) and regale him with songs and stories of far off lands.  --------  Henry's special gift came to be, expectedly, an uncanny way with animals.  Whether it be with the horses under his charge, or the estate falcons and pea fowl, or even with the wild coons and stags of the forests, his ways were of their ways; wild yet civilized to serve as a bridge between the two worlds.  Henry had care over one prized steed named Sygtryggr (whose name means "true victory") and even though Sygtryggr was for the King's use, he was taught to obey Henry's every command and did so ardently.  Henry also had care over Cliodna The Fair, an extraordinary, albino, sea falcon (whose name means "spirit contact from the depths of the nine seas").  Clio had been trained as a carrier falcon to deliver messages for the King.  --------  But in time, regardless of the attentions of Loriah and the joy of his animals, the labors of Henry's life soon matured him to manhood.  And one fine day, while Henry and Loriah were frolicking in the estate gardens, she was overcome as she had never before noticed him in such an adult manner.  And she kissed him.  There is nothing left to be said about this kiss, as so it goes with epic love stories such as this.  But as the young lovers embraced, the King was watching from the turret towers.  And he was enraged!  As the King screamed for his guards to arrest Henry, the lovers ran for the stables.  When they arrived, Henry grabbed what he could, mounted Sygtryggr who always was at the ready and whistled for Clio who came flying immediately.  Henry hastily handed Clio off to Loriah with instructions to the fair bird to courier messages between the lovers until his return.  Now, to be wanted for treason, Henry is adding theft to his list of crimes for stealing Sygtryggr, but at least Clio would not be missed by the King. --------  So with that, Henry took off for the faraway lands he'd heard of as a child, to seek fortune and fame.  But more than this, to make a name for himself so that whereupon the day of his return there would be no doubting his pedigree ever again.  And make a name he did!  He came to be known as "Theremin the Conqueror" who, although was feared by those he vanquished, was beloved by all for his generosity, for his name meant "kind conqueror".  Whilst he subjugated lands abroad, he permitted the people's cultural identity and dignity to remain intact for he knew what it meant to be stripped of these, being that they are all a man has of himself.  --------  So one day he decided the time was coming soon to return to Princess Loriah and his beloved homeland.  And with Clio ever the dependable courier making her rounds to and fro between the lovers throughout all these years, he sent Clio off to deliver the good news.  And at the appointed time, Henry came riding back home and with him he brought Sygtryggr on separate lead along with a cart laden with his plunder.  It was his desire to return King Fearghas' prized steed along with these other treasures as truce and in hopes that the King would accept his humble proposal for the hand of the Princess.  --------  Upon entering through the keep gates, he strode ever so humbly so as not to alarm the guards.  The guards were not alarmed, nay, they trembled at the sight of the renowned "Theremin the Conqueror" and let him pass without harassment.  With Sygtryggr hauling the cart laden with treasure, he made his way to the great hall. The King was so nervous that he nearly spilled his wine at the mere sight of this notorious Theremin the Conqueror who could possibly overthrow the realm.  Henry/Theremin, slowly approached and bowed at the feet of the King whose shock was felt even by Loriah standing nearby.  Before the King could speak, Loriah stepped forward to reveal the true identity of Lord Theremin to whom she offered her cup burning bright with fidelity.  But this was no ordinary cup. For alas, it is the Chalice of Ardagh which has been the symbol of all the Celtic lands for whosoever possesses it, the people will give their undying allegiance.  Uncharacteristically, the King gives his blessing immediately but not because he still is afraid.  For he alone knows he soon will die and because he also realizes his generation needs to make way for a new breed of ruler to keep the lands strengthened by a union built on ardor and newfound nobility.  --------  And now it has come in the days to pass that, with all of her lifetime dreams fulfilled, Queen Loriah reads stories to and plays music for her own children so they too may carry on the legend of how their great country became stronger because of the love between their parents and the noble blood that will continue to course throughout the sands of time.  [=\=/=\=/ CREDITS \=/=\=/=] I've been trying for over a week to do this but I've had a cold and my PC kept freezing LOL, but I finally got it done! THIS IS FOR A SPECIAL FRIEND AND HER BETROTHED, AND I THINK SHE WILL KNOW WHO SHE IS! ;D -------- The original artwork, titled "Clash of Kings", was painted by Stephen Youll ©1997 and his web site is here:; however a bigger and better image of it can be found here: -------- The Chalice of Ardagh is real and you can read more about it here: -------- I also want to say a SPECIAL THANK YOU TO *CRUSTYBEE* for the name stamp she made me! Here is her profile: How on earth do you do those, girlfriend? -------- The story accompanying this blingee was written by me, Kimmee.  With the exception of the meaning of the names Loriah and Theremin, all the other name meanings are true. I try to do a little research because I strive for realism in my blingees, and paying particular attention to detail, proportion and dimension. And although this piece is not as fancy as others I've seen, I hope the combination of my story, along with this piece I've done, will be enjoyed by all who stop by! Oh and while you're looking, can you spot all 32 stamps in the picture? Have fun finding them all! (Be sure to read my profile where I notate the dates for when I upload stamps, and then go and look at them. I find a LOT of .gif images on the internet all the time and several of these are in this blingee!) [[[ Oh and by the way, it's my friend Leva who I got the idea from to write stories to accompany some of my blingees. THANK YOU LEVA!!!!!! ]]] ------------------------------------ A WARNING TO CANNIBALS: DO NOT STEAL MY BLINGEES. THIS INCLUDES NOT DOWNLOADING THEM TO YOUR COMPUTER AND REUPLOADING THEM AS ONE OF YOUR STAMPS TO MAKE YOUR OWN BLINGEE OUT OF MY ORIGINAL BLINGEE. DOING SO IS AGAINST TERMS OF USE AND THE BLINGEE TEAM WILL MAKE YOU REMOVE THE STOLEN WORK AND MAY EVEN KICK YOU OFF THE SITE!
erstellt von: KimmeesBl...

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Verwendete Blingee-Stamps

32 Grafiken wurden verwendet, um dieses "king queen"-Bild zu erstellen.
red fantasy rubi candles
ruby gem:)
celtic cross
heart bracelet
earring 3
Graduation Diploma =^-^=
red rose
Glittery Star -Small-
silver stars
Romanic Candles
fire animated
Gold Sparkle
gold animated frame with opals
White Glitter



MindyArend sagt:

Vor 1912 days
how did you get the blingee name removed 

swtjade sagt:

Vor 5559 days
so magical!!!!!

papermoon666 sagt:

Vor 5561 days
...amazing story for a very creative blingee!
special one Kimmee!!

MsYamiYugi sagt:

Vor 5575 days

borzoilvr sagt:

Vor 5575 days
Very creative and beautiful

granny97 sagt:

Vor 5582 days
This is such a magical and beautiful trip in Blingeeland! I luv the details

SwtKat5 sagt:

Vor 5582 days
Wow! Great work! Love the story too!


Vor 5583 days
I love Blingees with so many details like this! And the story you added with it just makes it even more captivating! Excellent job! I would love to be in your circle (that is if you will have me lol)

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