Ari- The Angry?

Ari- The Angry?
HOW YOU MET: The first week of summer recess, you decided to head up to the park. Admittedly, you were looking for a little summer romance, and sometimes you could find some really cute guys at this particular park. Today you found absolutely no one there - except a dark, depressed emo guy. He was sitting on the swing, looking at the ground, his long dark hair hanging in his face. You noticed he was hot, but his down expression tugged on your heartstrings. You slowly walked up to him and said, ''Hello.'' He looked up at you, an angry scowl on his face - although you could tell it wasn't you he was angry at. ''Is everything okay?'' you asked. ''What do you care?'' he snapped, then realizing how harsh his tone was, he mumbled, ''I mean, I don't understand why you should be concerned about my life.'' You were startled, but kept your composure and said, ''Well, I noticed you were upset and I just wondered if there was anything I could do to help.'' The boy let out a short laugh, then said, ''There's nothing anyone can do to help me now.'' Not knowing what to say to this, you told him your name and asked him his. His hesitated, then said, ''You can call me Ari.'' You spoke with him for a little while longer until he had to head home - but afterwards, you met Ari at the park every other day. THE STORY: You always looked forward to meeting Ari at the park. Ari always had the same dark look when you got together, but talking with you seemed to brighten his mood a little. Yet it never seemed to stay that way. He always looked just as depressed every time you saw him. You tried to get him to open up about what was bothering him, but he stayed closed and withdrawn. You barely knew anything about him, yet you still felt yourself crushing hard. The way he looked into your eyes was breathtaking. After three and a half weeks, his face seemed darker than ever. ''Ari, seriously, you have to tell me what's going on,'' you finally said. ''You always seem upset. I just want to help you--'' ''You need to stop caring about me, okay?'' Ari interrupted, anger flashing in his eyes. ''Just forget about me.'' Shocked, you almost didn't react when he got up from the swing and began to run off. You chased after him and grabbed his arm. ''Ari, what's going on? You can't do this to me, tell me to stop caring and expect me to understand what you mean,'' you said, jerking him to a halt. Ari glared at you and tried to pull away, but you held onto him. ''You can tell me anything, Ari, I'm your friend,'' you said in a serious tone. ''You need to forget about me,'' Ari said again, ''I'm not going to be around anymore.'' ''What do you mean?'' you asked nervously. ''I can't live like this anymore,'' Ari said. ''My life is unbearable, I'm unloved and unwanted. It's going to be all over tonight.'' You stared into Ari's eyes in horror, seeing the hopelessness in them, and fear churned inside your stomach. For one second, the thought of a life without Ari flashed through your mind and you knew you couldn't stand that. ''Ari, no, you can't do that,'' you said in a pleading tone of voice. ''You can't say you're unwanted and unloved--'' ''Yes I can say I'm unwanted and unloved,'' Ari interrupted, emotion becoming thick in his voice. ''You know why I never mention my family? Because it changes all the time. My biological mother hated me even before I was born - why she didn't abort me i don't know. Ari is just a nickname, my real name is Arizona. My middle name is Curse. Arizona Curse, because my mother conceived me in Arizona by some guy who dumped her by the end of the night, and I was the curse for her. Nobody has wanted me since. I've been through sixty different foster homes in my life. Nobody keeps me for very long. I don't know how to be lovable, I don't know how to make them want me, but nobody does. I can't stand being unwanted and unloved anymore. There's no point in me living anymore.'' His story brought tears to your eyes and a lump to your throat, but you pushed past it and said, ''That's not true, Ari. You are wanted and you are loved.'' ''Prove it,'' he said. So you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his. He caught his breath in surprise, but quickly you felt him kiss you back. Tears began to stream down your face, and when you opened your eyes and pulled away from the kiss, you realized Ari had shed a single tear as well. ''You can't possibly love me,'' Ari whispered. ''You will never know how much I care about you, Ari,'' you said. ''Give yourself a chance. Don't...don't end it. Please don't leave me.'' Ari looked at you, swallowing a few times, then gave a faint smile. ''Only for you,'' he said. ''Only for you.'' IN THE FUTURE: You and Ari stayed together the whole summer long. Ari became happier with you and his gorgeous smile emerged all the time. He still remained mysterious, but he turned out to be the most loving boyfriend you ever had. Unfortunately, his current foster family decided they couldn't keep him any longer - like all his previous foster families - and he was sent fifty-five miles away to his next foster home. You kept in touch as often as you could over the phone and in email, and you even visited him a couple times when you could. One day, though, when you called, his foster mother answered. When you asked for Ari, she said, ''Ari disappeared yesterday. We've called the police and everything, but he hasn't been found. We don't know where he is.'' As soon as you hung up, you burst into tears, positive that Ari had killed himself. You were so heartbroken that you couldn't leave your room or even your bed. You couldn't stop thinking about the good times you had with Ari and how much he deserved a foster family who loved him. You were crying so hard that you almost didn't hear the knocking on your window (your bedroom was on the first floor). You turned to look out it and nearly had a heart attack when you saw Ari's face smiling at you. After letting Ari in, he explained how his foster family was about to give him away again and he couldn't stand to go through it without you, so he ran away and hitchhiked his way to your house. After scolding him for hitchhiking and putting himself in a potentially dangerous situation, you threw your arms around him and kissed him. He stayed with you for a couple days before the police found him. Fortunately his next foster home was in a town five minutes away from your own, and the family ended up adopting him. You two get married as soon as you graduate high school and you stay together for the rest of your lives.
erstellt von: KitttyKat101

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leslie2kindom sagt:

Vor 5641 Tage

Felicia16789 sagt:

Vor 5641 Tage
aww thats so sos so so sweet

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