joe,nick and ?????????...

joe,nick and ?????????...
Schools (Other): ...Kong Hua School... Occupation: Student Affiliations: n/a Hobbies and Interests: biKiNg, BaLlEt, tAEKWaNdO, PiAno, ArTs, sTUDyInG....FrienDsTeR, plAYINg CoMpUTER tHAt aRE kIll jOY LIKe doTSA, gtA, CoUntER StriKe N vERy HoRrABlE LIKe PiNbAlL...=_= Favorite Books: FuNNy bOoKs, HoRrOr bOoKs, LoVeStORy bOoKS, pOcKeT bOOkS... Favorite Movies: AlvIn aNd tHe cHiPmUnKs, D'aNoThErs, X-mEn 1, 2, 3loGy aNd the lASt STAnD, faNTasTic 4, iNcRedIbLe hUlk 1 n 2, clementine, rAtUtUiLlIe, mOnStEr HoUse, mY DAD iS A LiaR, shUtTeR, A vErY SpEcIAl loVe, CaReGiVeR, KuNgfU pANDa, CrAsH, GaRfIeLd 1N2, icE AGe 1, 2, n 3, P2, sUpEr MAN ReTuRns, PiRaTES Of tHe caRrIbEaN1, 2 n 3, URdUJa, a vERy spEcIaL LoVE, PaAnO KiTA iIbiGIN, hAnDcOCk.. Favorite Music: AlWaYs bE My bAbY, CraZy lOvE, LoW, KsAlANaN kO bA, BleDiNg lOvE, No Air, tOUch mY BodY, SaBiHiN Mo nA, WhEN U LOOk mE In uR eYeS, S.O.S, TaKe u tHeRe, me LoVe, bEaUtIfUl gIrl, LOvE lIkE tHiS, DaNgErOUs, cLumSy, sMack that, dOnT MaTTeR(ReMiX NiVeA), LoVe wIlL lEaD U BaCk, cRazy 4 U, My ImMoRtAl, bRIng mE To LiFe, SeXy LaDy, I WaNnA Be a RoCkstAr, bEsT Of bOtH WorLds, mANy ManY MiLeS AwaY, ApOlIgIzE, SoRrY BlAmE iT On mE, TElEpHoNE, aLl bY MySeLf, DoNt crY OuT LoUd, hAtE ThAt i lOvE U So, i lOVE u goOdbYE, TROuGh THE fIre, rEaLizE, BuBbLy, sExY BaCk, I WaNnA Luv u, bye bYe, Low vISaYA, TeARdRopS on My gUiTaR, aLl bY MysElF, ToP OF ThE WOrLd, LoVe U so, vErY spEciAl LovE... Favorite TV Shows: pAtAyIn sA SindAk c bARbARa, FloRDelUnA, WhEeL Of fOrTuNe, wOWowEE, GKNba, DYoSa iIsA PA lAManG, My gIrL, tV PaTroL WOrld, betTYlApHeA, pInOy bIg bRoThEr seAsOn 2 (BaTcH 2007-2008)KaMpaneRaNg kUbA, kOkeY, mAligNo...nEvEr beEn wAtChEd GMA.....^_^ Zodiac Sign: Libra About Me: -Am wearing a thousand masks, masks that i am afraid to take off and none of them are really me. Pretending is an art that is second nature with me. I give the impression that i am secure, that everything is fine with me, that confidence is my name and coolness is my game.And that i need no one. But dont be fooled by me.My surface may seem smooth, but my surface is my mask. Beneath the mask is the real me-confused, frightened and alone. But i hide this. I dont want anyone to know it. I panic at the thought of my weakness and fear being exposed. Thats why i create a mask to hide behind-a nonchalant, sophisticated facade to help me pretend, to shield me from the glance that knows.I know that such a glance is my salvation. I know that if it is followed by acceptance, if its followed by love, its the only thing that will assure me of what i cant assure myself-that i am worth something, that i am lovable.But i cant tell you this. I dont dare. Im afraid to. I am afraid that your glance will not be followed by acceptance and love. Im afraid that you will think less of me, that youll laugh at me and your laughter would kill me. Im afraid that deep down i'm nothing, that i'm no good and that you will see this and reject me. So i play my desperate game with a mask of assurance on the outside and a trembling child on the inside. And my whole life becomes a mask. I chatter away with surface talk, I tell you everything that is really nothing and nothing of what is everything. But when i go through my routine, dont be fooled by what im saying.Please read carefully what im saying, what i'd like to be able to say, what i need to say but cant.I dont like hiding behind a mask. I dont like the superficial game i'm playing. I would really like to be genuine and spontaneous and really me.
erstellt von: coolme98

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