Having a break. The challenges are stressing me out

Having a break. The challenges are stressing me out
I spend ages on working on blings for this challenge to find they are removed and even after asking people nicely to tell me why, I am not told! This isn't fair play! For now, I am going to boycott all challenges and only use blingee or picmix for my selfies and banners. I'm sick of it. Don't I deserve to be told what I'm doing wrong in my work? Sorry but I'm leaving the challenges and I don't know if or when I'll come back to them. I'm clearly doing something wrong when it comes to them and half of them don't even have rules so sorry if I'm messing up when I don't even know what the rules are! :'(
criado por: HannahJuly

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3 ilustrações foram usadas para criar esta imagem de "im not the bitch your making me out to be".
Simple Black Pattern
Simple White Pattern
Emoji ♥ Amazing_Anna



FlameGoth disse:

1786 days atrás
Maybe it's a glitch because of how flash will shut down in 2020 and maybe blingee is trying to update behind the scenes and tranfering stuff but some is getting lost or deleted or contests are being glitched?:/ I don't know that's just a theory.:/ You could maybe make a second blingee account and not tell anybody it's you and enter contests from that one to see if they get disqualified?:/

ortega42 disse:

1793 days atrás
tu as entièrement raison certaine crée des challenges mais elles ne vont pas au bout des choses disqualifie pour un oui ou un non chez moi impossible si je disqualifie ce n'est jamais sans raison et je donne toujours une explication bon courage big kiss 

JulieBaka disse:

1793 days atrás
Why are people disqualifying you with no explanation!? That's so rude of them!>:(

kaykitty727 disse:

1793 days atrás
good message 5+

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