What is this feeling so sudden and new?

What is this feeling so sudden and new?
I don't know what's gotten into me... I never felt like this before.I don't know what it is!I feel dizzy , and ashamed , and gross , and scared , and shaky , and sensitive , and sick... What is this? Why is this? What why what why what why... I've never felt like this before.I feel confused.Yeah , that's the main feeling. Why do I feel so confused ? It drives me crazy! -_-
creado por: scampskey89

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Se han usado 6 gráficos para crear esta foto "what is this".
Dark brown glitter
night moonlight background,dubravka
Dark Brown Glitter_
light brown
Simple Black Pattern



scampskey89 dice:

hace 3769 días
But I'm not in love XD

Bullet_For_My... dice:

hace 3770 días
I think it's called ...love. Yuck! I hate this word xD

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