Magic Myths - Episode #2 Training Day Humiliation

Magic Myths - Episode #2 Training Day Humiliation
It was training day, You'd know if you read last chapter. I was next to train, and in fact, I had to fight another cat from my clan for real to train! "Ugh...." Said Ruby, looking at me. "Are you gonna be OK?" "I'm sure" I said, making myself look bigger to the other cat. The other cat scratched me three times, on the head, the stomach, and the tail! I fell to the ground with pain, And I got humiliated! Great, What if Ruby and Randy won't be my friends again, And Milky Way cracks up laughing? But instead they ran over to me. "Are you OK?" Asked Ruby and Randy at the same time. But Milky Way was just staring at me as if he was the most depressed cat and that the one that he had a crush on was about to die?? Wow... Almost the opposite happened to my thoughts! I couldn't help smiling that they still cared. "I thought you'd humiliate me!" I said. "Of coarse not" Said Ruby. "Your our best friend and humiliating isn't what best friends do to each other!" I was relieved. But I better stick up for myself in future...
erstellt von: Purdy100M...

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raysmith42 sagt:

Vor 3885 Tage
Wonderful My Friend

kaykitty727 sagt:

Vor 3886 Tage
┊┫┣╮┊┊▏┃▉┃┃▉┃▕┊┊ hello friend
 ┈┃╰┛┊╱╲╰▕▔▔▏╯╱╲┊ wonderful
 ┊┫┊┊╱╱╱▔▔╲╱▔▔╲╲╲ Blingee Artwork!
 ┈┃┊▕╱╱▏╰╯╰╯╰╯▕╲╲ have a great weekend.▏ 
 ┊┫┊┊╲╱╲╭━╮╭━╮╱╲╱ xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo

RubyCat2 sagt:

Vor 3886 Tage
I made a blingee for you!

RubyCat2 sagt:

Vor 3886 Tage
Randy: That's right!!

MsYamiYugi sagt:

Vor 3886 Tage

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