Chris Hemsworth Thor<3

Chris Hemsworth Thor<3
My Sweet Australian God of Thunder Thor! Le omg he's so hot! I hate super hero movies but we watched this movie in my English class (we were analyzing hero's journeys) and so we watched the movie! I loved it! ANd dead good God Chris is so hot! *dies* And today we are watching The Avengers xD The beginning is kinda boring though xD I haz to analyze the Hulk with my group :/ My friend and her group got Thor xD From The Avengers I should say I like Thor and Captain America<3 Iron Man sucks xD (no offense to those of you who like him! just my opinion here^^) He thinks everything is just about him! Bleh I don't like him.... :/ oh well^^ I FREAKING LOVE CHRIS<3 Look at that super cute smile?
erstellt von: bitani49

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9 Grafiken wurden verwendet, um dieses "chris hemsworth"-Bild zu erstellen.
Blue Glitter
Thor Sad
white and black frame [nermai]
Thor Smiles
Deco flowers overlay
Sparkle Deco Trail
I see beauty in everything (Trip to Darkness by Lacuna Coil white and black transparent quote) [nermai]

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