Scamp vs Angel

Scamp vs Angel
Scamp: Stop telling me what to do! You're not the boss of me Angel! You're not my mother! Angel: I am too the boss of you and i'm tellign you as your girlfriend you need to return to the housepet life! Thats where you belong not ehre with Buster! Scamp: I don't LIKE the housepet life Angel! I hate it there I like how they control your life and what you can and can't do! Here I am free to do what I want to do anbd I'm totally protected and one day I will be the boss after Buster dies so there! Go back to the housepet life and leave me alone! I don't love you at all Independence is better than you! Angel: Scamp please I miss you I love you so much please don't choose Buster, don't choose Independence over me I'm prettier than her and i'm much better than that green freak! Scamp: I don't care Angel you're annoying and bossy I don't want a bossy girlfriend I want one that will let me choose my life and support me with wehat I want to do! Angel: Whats happened to you you're not the Scamp i remember! Scamp: You're right I'm not and I never will be! *walks away* Get out of here Angel get out and never come back I don't ever want to see you again! Angel: But Scamp I....FINE but don't come crying to me if you suddenly hate it! *cries and runs away*
erstellt von: Regentvice

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Angela1a1a1a1a1a sagt:

Vor 4239 Tage
Yes angel is always mean to Scamp!

scampskey89 sagt:

Vor 4241 Tage
i have to agree with scamp here :\ angel is too bossy

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