Mascara The Cat*single*

Mascara The Cat*single*
*i actualy got the idea for this character when i was putting on some Covergirl Lash Blast Fusion mascara the other day X3 it would be really cool if she got a gf but im ok if she dosent ^^*Name:Mascara/Age:18/Species:Vampire Cat/Occupation:works at a bar/Personality:dark,mysterious,flirty and sometimes very lusty ;)/Likes:requiem(a type of funerary music),full moons,nightime,gothic stuff/Dislikes:anyone who trys to get in her way,people who make fun of her english accent/weapons:a paracell that can turn into an AK47 at command X3/special abilities:she steals the hearts of men(literaly)/pet peves:like i said before shes really flirty/History:Mascara has to collect the hearts of men to stay alive but if she falls in love she wont have to do it anymore.She actauly really hates killing people but she likes the sight of blood.She thinks she'll never fall in love and is depressed a lot/Mascara:*says in really thick british accent*hi ^^
erstellt von: blingeebird

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Verwendete Blingee-Stamps

12 Grafiken wurden verwendet, um dieses "blaze the cat and sonic"-Bild zu erstellen.
purple moons
frame border ramki animated
Pruple frame
easter frame transparent
Black deco  stamp,©Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ...hïρρÿсhïсќ33
black flashy
violet purple glitter
Mascara The Cat



Sonamy4ever sagt:

Vor 4802 Tage
Adam:Hey ^^

(Super Cool ^w^ X3 idk how u manage to make such blingees but somehow u d O.O wait u have a gift XD )

Soulangel11 sagt:

Vor 4802 Tage
The umbrella thing is just like Roberta's from an anime called Black Lagoon! & Mascara reminds me of Remilia from Touhou! x3

Soulangel11 sagt:

Vor 4802 Tage
shes so pretty!

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