×★×~In Love but with the Wrong Guy?~×★×

×★×~In Love but with the Wrong Guy?~×★×
♀ x ♂=♥ At the summer festival Sakura Haruno lost her fist kiss to a stranger-a very hot stranger! that she cant seam to get of of her mind. He seams normal if normal is described as to-hot to star at, ninja refleces n kiss like a god then yes normal. Everything sems to go as planned n Sakura gets the summer she always wanter but she later finds out that the guy that she sorta likes is the famous Thife of konoha. Whats a girl to do?? Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha n all ur other charecters that u love for Naruto^-^ Good luck Sakura ;]
erstellt von: JasminDra...

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11 Grafiken wurden verwendet, um dieses "in love"-Bild zu erstellen.
Rotation Background
black-grey frame winter bg
Background tlo transparent
Frame stars purple
 vintage lace Knot frame ruban
NEON Sasuke *o* [NamiKaito]
Sakura Haruno

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