The Calling~ (Dedicated to Joycie and the memory of her mother.)

The Calling~ (Dedicated to Joycie and the memory of her mother.)
Helen awakens from a listless sleep to hear the sound of her name being whispered over and over, carrying itself on the wind. Shivering in her thin nightdress she follows the voice out of her small cottage, across the woods to the edge of a clearing. Helen notices mist on the ground as she makes her way to stand at the edge. She has never been this close to the falls before. The elders were always warning of those that disappear around this area, most probably swept away by the rushing waters after a careless fall. Just as she was about to turn back, thinking herself crazy, a light brighter then anything she had ever seen, swoops down from the sky to hover close to Helen's head. Helen is frozen in shock and awe. It is a faerie, of this she is certain, for faerie lore was very common in her culture. But not all of them were good. What did this one want? Suddenly she hears a voice in her head. It is the same voice she heard in her dream! The same voice she heard calling her name in the wind! The faerie beckons her forward.....closer to the edge. Against her will she follows. She is powerless to the beauty that is the faeries voice, to the blinding light that feels so warm against the chill air. Before she could take another step, the faerie reaches out and touches her lightly on the head. The world around her explodes in memories that are not hers, but the faerie's. They stand this way, frozen, for what seems like hours. Then the faerie gently releases her touch on the young woman who falls to the ground unconscious. The faerie hovers protectively over her until she hears voices calling Helen's name. They are searching for her. The faerie casts one last glance at the young girl and disappears into the mists as the villagers break through the woods to find Helen asleep on the ground. They quickly gather her up and carry her back to her cottage. It is days before Helen finally stirs. The villagers have taken turns watching over her. When she finally opens her eyes, everything has changed for her. She can hear the language of the birds and the plants and trees. She can hear the wind calling to the other jet streams in fun. Her eyes widen in fascination of all these sudden sensations. She is so distracted she fails to notice the two village women shaking her as if she were a tree. "Snap out of it girl!!" one of them says holding her arm roughly. "Leave her alone Matilda." says the other kindly. "Can't you see she's had a shock?" Helen breaks from her trance to stare at the two older village women. "I am alright now." she says to them sitting up. There were two starlings fighting just outside her window about which branch they would sit on. She laughed out loud without thinking, and the two older women stared at her as if she were crazy. But she knew she wasn't. Now she knew everything. "I am so sorry if I gave everyone a fright. Please forgive me. I am quite alright now. Thank you for all your help!" she said as she got up and gathered the woman's things. After assuring them repeatedly she was fine she finally sent them on their way and closed the door behind them with a smile. She walked to her open window and looked out into the afternoon sky. "Thank you mother for sharing your memories with me and trusting me with your gifts. I will not fail you." she whispered to the wind knowing her dying mother would hear her. She had come to her to tell her who she was and to reveal the truth about herself. She gave Helen the last of her powers before she went off to go where all faerie go when it is their time to pass on. The villagers had taken her in as an orphan. They had been very kind in raising her, but now she knew she must leave. Her destiny was finally revealed and she had no choice but to follow.
만든이: Ercassiel

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사용된 Blingee Stamp

19 graphics were used to create this "in memory of" picture.
pink glitter
White Glitter
White Glitter Pattern
winter D I A M O N D Z - cool cute glitter glitzer GLAMOURE
light green glitter
trans green
trans purple
trans pink
transparent green 4 pd
transparent gold 2 pd
white glitter
golden sparkles
Flying Birds



sisi080985 메시지:

1987일 전
magnifique créa+++5 peu tu stp clikez sur les 5 étoiles stp clik bien car après je baisse je compte sur toi merci bcp

hopsiyo 메시지:

4955일 전
wow , ce splendoare de blingee! gold*

RedHeadsRule 메시지:

5285일 전
So fantastically touching and beautiful!

Tirsah 메시지:

5289일 전
Beautiful and such a lovely gesture! *****

sanka29 메시지:

5289일 전

Joycieoh 메시지:

5289일 전
wow so very  beautiful Leva &  i love the  little  rainbow at the  bottom...when  i  lost  my  mom  i asked  god to  let  me  know  she was  ok  by  a  rainbow...i  got  up  went to my  back  door  &  there  in the  sky  was a  beautiful rainbow so  they r very  special  to  me♥♥♥ added to  my faves:)

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