All we know is brand new riot- PART2- The Party

All we know is brand new riot- PART2- The Party
Hayley arrived on time for Jeremy's party. His house was so mad and music was blasting, there were people all over the place. Hayley scanned the room for Josh...whear is he? She thought to herself. For a starter the party starter Jeremy was know place to seen either. Feeling dissapointed by know sign of Josh Hayley pulled a face. Just then a hand slapped her on the back causing her to cough. "Hey H-bomb, hows it goin?" Laughed Zac with a can of beer in his hand. He smiled wildley and seemed to bop up and down to the music. Hayley stared at Zac for a moment. He seemed a little...happy. "Are you drunk?" Questioned Hayley angrily at Zac as she freed herself from his arm that was around her waist. "NO!" he joked nearly falling over. Typical thought Hayley leaving Zac standing on his own. Taylor was dancing oddley with some girl over by the stero. "Taylor hi, do you know where Jeremy is?" She struggled to say over the music. "Hes out in the garden chatting up some blonde." He said. "Oh." Hayley said dissapointed. Then the girl took Taylor's hand and walked him to the living room and shot a nasty glance at Hayley when Taylor had his head turned. Hayley sighed and sat down on the nearest couch. She needed to find out if Josh was here. Zac was drunk, taylor was with his girlfriend it seemed and Jeremy was well...busy in the garden! She knew know one else ask. Then Zac stumbeld over to Hayley and sat down with her and they fooled around together. Hayley was dissapointed and angry. Then someone caught her eye...JOSH!!! Her heart beat furiously and uncontrolably. But then it felt as if it stopped. Hayley rose from the couch and headed for the door. "Hey Hayley wait!" Called Zac pulling her back to sit. "Get off me Zac!" Hayley Snapped and faught back tears. She had been so sure Josh liked her to. Now it seemed she was wrong. Let this go she thought...let this go.
gemaakt door: cullengirl4

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breakingdawn101 zegt:

5331 dagen geleden
awwww. poor hayley.

JonasLover4ev... zegt:

5331 dagen geleden
omg nell these stories are amazing!
I luv them i luved tht bit where it went jeremy was busy in th garden!lol
But wiv a blonde!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(OMG)
omg zac drunk??Hell b wippin out guns next!

VictorFan zegt:

5331 dagen geleden
good work! :-) 

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