007001's Badge

Best Girl Blingee Competition 1000+ points Score more than 1000 points in a Best Girl Blingee Competition

Blingees that won this badge

 [♥ Miley Cyrus *Smile, the most beautiful thing to the world  *
~•-----[♥LoVe  My  AnGel ♥
~•-----[♥ Taylor MomSen * It is stupid but I love You..... *
 [♥ Miley Cyrus * You is The key which opens my heart *
^^*  Demi Lovato :) Smile
^^ Bella Thorne * Ps: I love you since the beginning *
¨¨¨* Miley Cyrus  *¨¨
¨¨* Miley Cyrus *¨¨ Automne *
¨¨ SeLena GoMez ¨¨

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